O u r H i s t o r y
But, by the dint of sheer hard work, honesty of purpose, versatility of genius, it has become one of the largest marketing and indenting house serving Chemicals, Dairy, Fertilizers & Feeds products
of Pakistan market.
Committed to quality service, each department of the company has independent service, sales & marketing networks, handled by professional and experienced personnel.
Connecting the right people all over al-riaz chemicals enjoys exclusive representation of world renowned manufacturers and suppliers spanning the globe.
Sure, the company is much larger and today we operate out with state-of-the-art facilities, travel via jet planes and communicate via cell phones and e-mail, but the basic premise is the same. We are still a family owned and operated business who cares about our environment, customers, employees and suppliers.
The industry has seen enormous change and consolidation of the years. Regulatory and market pressures make this a tough business to be in. We feel that our sense of history helps guide us through these challenges. We don’t measure our success just by quarterly results, we measure it by decades.
O u r Vision
al-riaz chemicals has always been committed to providing the best possible solutions for industries. This includes attractive, convenient, cost effective product selection second to none.
We are also proud of our complete line of Chemicals, Dairy Fertlizers & Feeds solutions that al-riaz chemicals has been marketing since very long .
O u r Mission
Today al-riaz chemicals is present in day to day life of our people in so many ways, with its diverse range of products & is helping enriching their lives in every sense.
Our dreams are higher and ambitions are even higher, so growth has no limits at al-riaz chemicals. We keep broadening our vision.
However as good corporate citizen, al-riaz chemicals will continue to strive for development of our country and improving lives of our people by provision of high quality products and services of our customers, making us a reliable business partner.
So keep browsing our website. Please let us know what al-riaz chemicals can do for you.
Finally, we ask our ALMIGHTY ALLAH to bless the entire al-riaz chemicals family and those we serve.